Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Is This Halloween?

It was a very strange Halloween this year.  Every year, since we moved into this community eight years ago, we have had lots of trick-or-treaters. Our house was always one that the kids knew they had to hit up. Tonight, however, there was hardly anyone passing out candy, and there weren't that many kids.

I usually leave the task of passing out the candy to my husband, because I don't like to deal with some of the teens.  You know, the ones that don't wear costumes, get a little obnoxious, a little loud, and just suck the fun out of Halloween.  I don't mind if older kids are coming to our door as long as they're in costume and are polite.  But I digress.

I had told hubs that I would hold down the fort until he came home. He got home about 6:30 PM, and I had not one kid come to the door.  I think it was around 7 PM when we got a group that included Miss La-Di-Da-Di.  It would be another 20-30 minutes before another group came.  We had one group of teen boys that had two dressed up, and the rest were not.  The ones not dressed up just held out their hands to receive candy.  My husband asked the boys without costumes where their candy bags were, and one said, "I lost it, sir."  We finally got some little ones, and that's always my favorite.

We have this genie head in a 'crystal ball' that is motion activated.  I remember how afraid the little kids were when we first got it.  Now, the little kids love it.  We had one little boy dressed as Spider-Man not want to leave because of it.  He was probably around four years old and so adorable.

I have told my husband that maybe we shouldn't pass out candy anymore, mainly due to some of the teenagers.  But, he loves seeing the little kids in their costumes, as do I, and we get a kick out of them saying, "Trick-or-Treat."  I'm sure we'll be passing out candy again next year.

 I don't know.  Is the fun getting sucked out of this thing?  Are people just 'over it?'

Anyways, I hope everyone had a safe Halloween, and I'll just leave you with this:

Me and the 10th Doctor having a bit of Halloween fun.

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